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The Author And His Journey

Ben Dean

After several years of attempting to win his battle with alcohol and only achieving a few weeks at a time Ben found himself, at 24, sitting in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous on November 1st 2007. it was at that point that he vowed he was never going to be a slave to anything like that ever again.

He spent over 7 years going through the steps and testing his own system before he felt it was time to put pen to paper. He then spent the next 2 years making sure that it worked on all levels, for the newcomer in the recovery process, as well as the old timers that had been defeated by a single layered system that they currently used; for those new to Satanism and also those that had been walking the path for a considerable amount of time. During this time Ben was able to take an addiction course offered by Kings College Hospital offered through FutureLearn. He was able to talk with people that were from other recovery programmes to see how they worked, finding overlaps and new areas to advance his own recovery system.

Uncover Satan, Recover Thyself doesn’t just focus on the 12 step program. It offers options, and looks at other ideas or topics which can aid an individual’s recovery programme, such as understanding the science of addiction, money and budgeting, nutrition, exercise, ritual and magick to name just a few. It also takes a look at how satanic philosophy views addiction.

Ben has attempted to remove as much of the personal details as he can from the publication to make the system and the process the stars of the show. He is no different from the rest of us on our recovery journey.

“I am just someone who has issues, just like everyone else, and I’ve used the same tools on offer to everyone in order to overcome my problems.”


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